1. Where is AccessUK located?
AccessUK is currently located within three areas in London boroughs:
- Brent
- Haringey
- Hackney
We also have ambitions of delivering our services in Croydon, Wandsworth, Southwark, Lambeth, Newham, Lewisham, Tower-Hamlets and throughout all the BME communities of the UK .
2. What groups or clients does AccessUK work with?
- Students
- Graduates
- 18-24 NEETs
- Ex-Offenders
- Gang Members
- BME(Black Minority Ethnic)
- Unemployed
- No age restrictions due to public demand.
3. What does 'NEET' stand for?
Not in Education, Employment or Training.
4. Is AccessUK's programme exclusive to BME youth?
AccessUK will assist any client irrespective of their ethnicity although our focus will still remain the reduction of BAME unemployment in the UK.
5. What differentiates AccessUK's employability services from other organisations?
- Specialist in BAME employment and training solutions.
- AccessUK is the only employability provider in London which delivers 'Black History' workshops as part of our key performance indicators, confidence/motivation workshops and general employability service for our clients.
- AccessUK completely rejects the "one size fits all" mainstream provisions delivery model and concept. We provide tailored solutions that are directly aligned with the barriers that afflict BME jobseekers.
- Community based programme delivered on outreach.
- We have looked at causes of unemployment in the BME community and have integrated solutions into our delivery model.
- We provide viable training and employment solutions, for ex-offenders and gang members.
- Ring-fenced and exclusive vacancies/opportunities.
6. Does AccessUK provide funds for training?
Access UK is a charitable organisation, our work is reliant on donations and grants from the public and government.
Access UK is restricted in terms of what we can fund as a charity. Our experienced advisers will however identify partner organisations who can provide free training for our clients to access.
7. What is the referral process for AccessUK?
- Self referral from our free phone service
- Referrals from partner organisations
- Weekly group inductions for new programme entrants
African Caribbean Careers & Employment Support Services UK
Putting emphasis on a disadvantaged group in society that has been largely ignored and marginalised.